Foot On Their Necks

For as long as I can remember, I’ve never liked a bully. When I was in elementary school, I was always the one taking up for people. I didn’t care how awkward they were, I always believed that no one should be looked down on or mistreated. And heaven forbid if anyone thought they could bully me. Most of my peers thought I was a little feisty as a kid, even through my shy ways. My bark was probably bigger than my bite, but no one ever tried it. It’s no wonder that I went into counseling and social work careers to help people in need. I like to advocate for the ones who feel like they have been silenced, so it’s no wonder that I will always do that for myself.

I’ll give a brief back story for those who are new to my blogs. Although I’m a very spiritual person, I’m very down to earth and very honest. With that being said, the last 3 years have been the worst of my life. I know people don’t like to say things like that and yes my motto is that “I Didn’t Break” but I’m honest. I have to say it for this blog because it paints a picture that through it all, I’m a fighter. I’ve realized something about myself that made me feel a lot better this year: I Never Give Up! I was able to get out of a very awful situation last year with a very toxic person, take a breather with loved ones back home, and then set out on a totally different life in a brand new city. I’m not afraid of anything or anybody. The perks of being a child of God.

Now that you know that much, I have to say that the last few weeks have been hell. The devil sent his goons to bother me, but I was armed and dangerous. You see, I stay prayed up and I’m always getting spiritually fed to withstand the wiles of the devil. I was at peace and just floating until recently when a bully tried to get at me. Now why would they do that to me, the crazy church girl? Don’t they know I have angel armies encamped around me? I’m sure they do now. You see, there’s no way I’m going to let anyone talk down to me, discourage me, or mess with me making a living. I stay ready!

All of the details aren’t necessary, but I will say that I’m so glad that I understand the power of speaking up. I was praying earlier this week and the Holy Spirit just screamed, “this is spiritual.” I’ve been remembering that I’m empowered and can speak victory into my own life. I even sowed a seed offering for my situation. I also had lots of loved ones standing in the gap for me and I’m very appreciative. My coworkers are also awesome, but one in particular made me smile and write this blog. Man, you said a mouthful when you said God has His foot on their necks. I almost ran and started shouting. It’s true y’all, the Lord really does fight your battles. Just remember to BE SWEET.

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