Jesus Is Not Your Boyfriend

Okay single girlies, listen up! This blog is going to be a little bumpy, but tighten your seat belts. If you’re not a Christian woman, this may not resonate as much with you, but stick around for the finale. It may bless your soul either way. By now, most of us have ran across the woman on TikTok who has posed the question, “Who TF did I marry?” Although it’s meant to be a tell-all and surely a rhetorical (reflective) question, we have all tuned in to see what the answer may be. Now I will say that although I did not listen to that 50 plus part story because that’s too much for me, I still got the gist of her story. She married a lying, manipulative man. Our next question should surely be how did she let it get to that point.

While chatting with my sister about the woman questioning who she married, we came to the same conclusion she did, she was desperate for a relationship. And we all know when you’re desperate you tend to settle for way less than what you’re worthy of from a man. Let’s just be honest, we have all been there. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t but last year I was in that same position. Most of us come to our senses and pick our standards off the floor. Others let our standards fall to the depths of hell dealing with our own “Legion”, and have to work a lot harder to get back on track to healthy self worth. Nonetheless, we get on a road to recovery. And many times, after a hard failed relationship, we (finally) turn to God. No need to be ashamed or anything of that nature, but pressing times lead us to a stronger relationship with our maker. The Bible does say when we are weak, we are made strong through The Lord.

We, as Christians, have likened Jesus to many things. If you grew up in church, you have heard him called the rose of Sharon, lily of the valley, bright and morning star. Old school church mentioned him as a will in the middle of a will, way maker, and so much more. When we get single and too churchy, we tell people that Jesus is our man or our boyfriend. But I’d like to say that’s a downgrade for what Jesus truly is in our lives. Honestly, I wouldn’t want to get back with ANY of my old boyfriends, so that’s a slap in the face to Jesus. Jesus is my SAVIOR! Jesus died for my sins so I can have eternal life. Now, how many of your ex-boyfriends would die for you? I’m willing to bet probably none of them. And even if they would, it wouldn’t guarantee you a relationship with the creator of the universe, God.

My point is, let Jesus be Jesus. As a single woman, we have to deal with so many things. One, people questioning why we’re single. Second, this awful dating scene that has poop and pee in it. And lastly, trying to still have faith in love. Let me tell you, the continued faith in love is rough when you have been through so much with men. Like the woman wondering who she married, we have to question our picks time and time again. Why were we cheated on, why were we ghosted, why have we not met our husbands? Funny yet true answer, only Heaven knows! But until then, we should continue to build our relationship with The Lord. We should work on self so when our kingdom spouse does show up, we’ll be healed enough to receive the love. So ladies, don’t dwell on men and idolize marriage. Work on that next degree, get in some good self care, join a church ministry, learn a new skill. You owe it to yourself to love on you because then and only then will you be able to allow someone to love you. Be sweet.

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