See Something, Say Something

One of my favorite things to do is go to the movies. I feel like ever since I left Memphis in 2019, that has been my favorite pastime. I go to see a new movie probably 3 times a month because I would like to say I’m a movie buff. (I’m not.) But recently I was leaving the movies at the mall and saw a sign that read, “See something, say something.” Needless to say, they weren’t talking about a movie. That simple message pricked my heart and I took that as a spiritual message. I always pray for the Holy Spirit to open my spiritual eyes and ears, and that is exactly what happened. So I felt the need to share this simple yet profound revelation with my readers.

Nowadays, society is so crazy that you have to keep an eye out for all kinds of craziness. Not everyone goes out with good intentions, so it’s best to be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. But the next step is to make others aware when it’s not safe because we’re all in this life thing together. It’s the same on this Christian walk as well. We all know that most times it’s a faith walk, not a cake walk when you decide to live for the Lord. When we go to the movies, go out to restaurants, or go out of town, we want to tell the world. Just take a look at your beloved social media sites and it’s filled with reviews and stories. I believe it should be the same when you see something that God has done. The goodness of God is worthy to be shared.

When I think about how good God has been to me, He surely gets the HIGHEST ratings from me. For me, the miraculous things God has done is worth sharing more than ANY movie, food experience, or vacation. Testimonies are for telling. Old church used to have a testimony period in church and you couldn’t keep the Saints from telling their stories from something as small as waking up this morning to being healed from their illness. New church has somehow gotten too sophisticated and has time restraints on services, so we don’t get to really hear about testimonials from people. But aren’t you glad that we have all of this technology? No excuse now!

More important than your five star meal, is what God brought you through. Your vacation to the beach looks fabulous, but tell us more about how you were down to your last dime and Jesus stepped in on time. I know some people get ashamed of their low points and want to keep it all hush hush, but your story can help a person who doesn’t realize it’s possible to get through. No shame in telling someone that you never would have made it if it weren’t for the goodness of the Lord. If you see something, say something. Your story brings God glory. So let me ask you, what has God done for you lately?

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